It's All About Content That Sells
Also notice the continual emphasis on content that underscores the reader's point of view. When readers can identify with the writing, they will join you in your message. If you spend all your time talking about yourself, they'll feel left out and leave. Notice also how the headline tells visitors that a video presentation will heip them make money.
Add a Video Presentation to Your Web Site
and Watch Your Revenues Take Off
Try this.
Go to any Web site. What do you see? Chances are you see a screen filled with static words and graphics. Now go to What do you see? Motion, movement, action. More impressive, yes? And more memorable. With a video presentation on your site, your customers will remember your product or service first.
Why is that important?
If they don't remember your offer, they won't act on it.
Memory experts tell us that information presented in motion is easier to recall than information given in static form. Notice that we’re talking about information. Not flash. Not bobble-head happy faces or dancing icons, but detailed, factual, beneficial information
Chances are your target audience will visit other sites – and if a competitor’s site is more memorable than yours, guess whose product or service those readers will recall when it comes time to buy.
“When we added a video to our site,
our call center saw a twenty five percent
increase in calls in the first week.”
R. K. Miller, GM, Tropical Lawn Furniture
At WebVideo, Inc. – where Web site video technology was created -- we can help you design a Web site that features a video presentation or we can help you incorporate a video interface for your existing site.
We’re so sure that a Web site video will increase your sales, we will refund your cost and remove the video if you do not see rapid, measurable increases in your revenues.
Your product demonstrations, your testimonials, your message from a president or CEO – these and other messages can capture your customers’ attention and help them remember your product or service when they’re ready to buy. To see a portfolio of samples, go to
Call our customer service hotline today and let’s get busy helping your business grow with your own Web site video. 1-800-535-8976.
WebSiteVideo, Inc.
2134 Victory Lane
Miami, FL 32547
One way to help yourself discover what it is your audience wants to hear is to find a friend or co-worker who can realistically play the role of the reader. Ask them to put you to the test. Ask them what they need to know about you and your product or service. Finally, once again, the most common failing among writers in the business world is their failure to analyze the wants and needs of their readers.
The late advertising great, David Ogilvy, put it this way:
"If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think."
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